
Icelandic colleagues on site in Skövde

Written by Per Gustafsson | Feb 18, 2025 3:10:58 PM

It takes two hours and 45 minutes to fly from Iceland to Sweden.
The distance means that Inexchange employees on the North Atlantic island rarely have the opportunity to meet their Swedish colleagues in person.
But now the Icelanders are visiting. They arrived at the office in Skövde on Monday and were greeted by a few degrees of cold and bright sunshine.

Inexchange Sweden took over full ownership of the company, which was previously run jointly with an Icelandic company, in November. The ties have thus been strong throughout the years, but since the change of ownership, the sense of belonging is even more self-evident. Now the employees in Iceland and Sweden are real workmates.
Reykjavik has become a fully-fledged western outpost for Inexchange.

This particular visit therefore feels special. Gunnar Bjarnason, Þórunn S. Eiðsdóttir, Guðmundur Á Guðmundsson and Heimir Björnson have familiarized themselves with both premises and colleagues and had many meetings and conversations.
We are talking about true Nordic brotherhood.
Gunnar Bjarnason notes that they have received a warm welcome in Skövde. When asked what it is like to be there, he breaks into a broad smile:
"It feels great. It's almost two years since we were last here. And as always when we come here, the winter weather is beautiful. It makes us even more jealous than we usually are. We think it's incredibly unfair, haha."

Making a difference

Gunnar has the same positive view regarding the social part.
"It's perfect to be here and meet people we usually only meet via video meetings or mobile calls. Here there is another dimension. It's good to be able to discuss where we are going and get a timing on how, where and when. We need to follow the same common path now that we are one company."
Does it make a difference?
"Absolutely. It will be different than when you are two companies with different characteristics. Now that we're one company, as we've been talking about for years, we can run on one platform and use the same processes on both sides. And then, as I see it, it doesn't matter whether you are based in Skövde, Östersund, Reykjavik or Germany, if you like. We should have customers all over the world. Sure, a number of people should be local, but at the same time everyone is part of a larger team that uses the same methods wherever you sit and with a platform in the clouds."

But meeting physically may strengthen the feeling of togetherness?
"Absolutely, we are human beings and that is how we have functioned and survived through millennia. Being part of a group is very important. It's really fun to visit. That's just the way it is!"

Caption: Þórunn S. Eiðsdóttir, Guðmundur Á Guðmundsson and Gunnar Bjarnason flanked by Inexchange's Sales Director Simon Strandell and CEO Ola Widegren .