
Joining forces and a single invoice solution

Written by Per Gustafsson | Sep 29, 2024 6:10:19 PM

Now it's done. InExchange and Scancloud have joined forces.
We have become one company.
- It feels super exciting. Customers are given even more value while we become stronger as a company, says CEO Ola Widegren expectantly.

InExchange and Scancloud are both longstanding members of the Visma family of companies and have been working together for several years. By joining forces, the companies' respective strengths can be utilized to create a joint company that will be even sharper overall.
The merger was announced in October and at the turn of the year, the venture has become a reality. From now on, we are one and the same company.
- Yes, the merger is finally a fact. We have been working for this for a long time. It's a step we firmly believe in, says Ola Widegren.

Greater strength and higher value

As Ola points out, the new company formation has hardly happened overnight. In February last year, his field of work was expanded in the form of dual CEO roles. He was already CEO of Scancloud and was given the same position at InExchange.
- The appointment had a clear mission. I was to explore how these two companies could best work together. As two Visma companies in the same industry, the feeling was that we should have the potential to achieve something very interesting together," says Ola and notes that this assumption was justified:
"During the process, it turned out that our two product lines complement each other fantastically well. The puzzle became more complete with each piece that was added. The realization that joining forces would be the smartest thing to do emerged naturally. We saw that it would strengthen ourselves and at the same time benefit customers because we would then be able to give them a more unified offer in the future.
The customer perspective has weighed heavily in this process. The services offered will be endowed with even more benefits, plus there will be a lot of new things too.
- We will be able to offer our customers a complete solution that covers both incoming and outgoing invoice traffic. We are no longer dependent on subcontractors. Customers will have access to a one-stop shop for everything to do with invoice flows thanks to the fact that we have all the systems and solutions ourselves.
- All in all, it feels super exciting. Personally, I have great expectations. It's an incredible opportunity to be involved in shaping something sharp for the market that will be hard to beat, he adds enthusiastically.

Same geographical solution

The merger takes place within the framework of InExchange Factorum AB and the current product lines remain exactly as before. Regardless of whether you have been a customer of Scancloud or InExchange, it will be the same in existing services.
The locations are also maintained with unchanged staff. Östersund and Skövde remain as the main locations and the company also has offices in Stockholm. Geographically, the distances are considerable, but this is not something that worries Ola Widegren. In the current high-tech era, physical location has become less and less important.
- I think it is rather a strength that we are in both Östersund and Skövde. We are gathered under the same umbrella, but invest in both directions. It gives us local advantages. Not least in terms of recruitment. We get two fronts to work from, yes, even three thanks to the fact that we also have staff in Stockholm, he says.