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A demonstration for everyone's equal value


There was color, there was music, there were happy smiles and community. Everyone is equally valuable.
- I'm incredibly proud that we stand for that value base and show it. It's important," says Maria Biederbeck, Marketing Manager at InExchange, when she and the other participants in the Pride Parade have reached Kulturhustorget in central Skövde.

The Pride parade is not just a manifestation of the LGBTI movement. It is a collective expression of tolerance, diversity, openness and standing up for these values. Just like the rainbow, we humans change colors, but we are still connected.
Saturday's pride parade in Skövde was a telling picture of this.
Several hundred people walked in the procession from Hedens exercise area to the square at Skövde Kulturhus. Even more lined the cortege route. There was a real carnival atmosphere along the streets. InExchange was, as usual, represented in the train. The enthusiasm in the ranks was irresistible. Everyone was having a great time.
- Right now I feel nothing but happiness. What a turnout. Absolutely fantastic," said Maria Biederbeck when the parade had taken the final steps to the finish line.
"I am proud of the message and proud that our company stands for these values. Yes, I am proud of everyone who is here today, she continues with a broad smile.

"Fantastic day"

Many at InExchange have done their bit. In return, their efforts were rewarded with many hours of fun. For InExchange staff, it was actually a double event, with both family activities and a pride parade.
- I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. I am very happy right now. We had a great day at work. We painted, played, socialized and then we ate good food on top of that, says Maria and says that the festival train was an equally positive experience:
- It was really nicely organized by Pride Skaraborg. The atmosphere was wonderful. Not only in the train, but also with all the people who lined our path and applauded. I have to repeat what I already said, that it was absolutely fantastic!


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