Snöggt um Peppol
Það er mikið talað um Peppol, en hvað er það nákvæmlega, til hvers er það og hvernig virkar það? Velkomin í heildstæða leiðarvísinn um Peppol!
Hvað er Peppol?
Peppol (Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line) er alþjóðlegt kerfi fyrir rafrænar pantanir og innkaup. Það samanstendur af þáttum og tæknilegum stöðlum sem auðveldar rafræn viðskipti þvert á landamæri. Peppol er skilgreindur innviður (infrastructure) sem tengir saman kaupendur og seljendur. Það felur einnig í sér staðla og reglugerðir um rafræn skjalaform eins og reikninga, pantanir og vörulista.
Ef þú vilt vita meira um innihald innviðanna og hvers vegna þetta alþjóðlega kerfi var sett á laggirnar getur þú lesið ítarlegri upplýsingar hér. Þessi grein útskýrir hvernig kerfið er uppbyggt, hvers vegna það var stofnað, hver ábyrgðin er og hvað það nær yfir.
Markmiðið með Peppol
Peppol var sett á laggirnar árið 2008 svo að Evrópusambandið gæti sent reikninga og svarað útboðum þvert á landamæri á stöðluðu og skipulögðu sniði. Þetta kerfi hefur staðlað bæði sendingarferlið og skjalasniðin sjálf.
Þetta rammakerfi, sem ESB kom á fót, hefur smám saman stækkað þar sem lönd utan ESB hafa einnig tekið upp tæknina.
Svona virkar Peppol
Tilgangurinn er að gera sendendum og viðtakendum kleift að skiptast á skjölum án þess að þurfa að aðlaga tæknilausnir sínar sérstaklega hvert að öðru.
En hvernig virkar þetta í raun?
Skjal sem sent er innan netsins lendir fyrst á aðgangspunktinum sem sendandinn tengist. Aðgangspunkturinn flettir upp í miðlægri skrá yfir viðtakendur til að finna staðbundna skrá sem geymir nánari upplýsingar. Sú skrá segir hvaða skjöl viðtakandinn getur tekið á móti og hvert vistfang hans er. Þá er skjalið sent á aðgangspunkt viðtakanda og þaðan áfram til viðtakanda sjálfs.
Kaflinn „Skjalaleiðin í Peppol“ lýsir nákvæmlega uppbyggingu kerfisins og hvernig skjölum er miðlað innan þess.
The access point creates the connection
In order to receive a document via this EU-based creation, such as an invoice, you need an access point that acts as a connection. The access point makes the connected party both visible and searchable in the network.
This link,"What is an access point?", describes the role of the access point in detail.
We (InExchange) are an access point as well as some other VAN operators. Also some ERPs have support in their business systems. We have been an authorized access point for a long time and our customers can access it automatically.
What is Peppol-ID?
The Peppol ID is a unique number that identifies the connected party in this network.
Each receiver has its own identification number that allows the different access points to find the parties. The number has two parts.
The first four digits are a prefix. For a Swedish recipient, it is either 0007 (organization number) or 0088 (GLN number). The second part of the number really only has a technical function. It is an indication to the access point.
It is worth noting that anyone who sends invoices and documents via the described transfer options and with InExchange as the access point does not need to think about the recipients' Peppol ID.
InExchange always keeps track of the ID number for its customers.
For a more detailed description of ID assignment and application, see the linkDetailed facts about the ID number.
Peppol BIS Billing 3
For each document type sent within this circulation system for electronic business documents, there is a standard.
If we stick to invoice/credit, the format is called Peppol BIS Billing 3 and covers supplier issued invoices and credit notes. It is a specification that complies with the European standard (EN16931) and which, since April 1, 2019, is by law the type of invoice to be issued in public procurement.
When doing business in the public sector, the purchasing authority thus requires that invoices be sent in BIS Billing format. There are definitely advantages in using this format for other activities as well.
More detailed information about the format can be found at the link"What is Peppol BIS Billing 3?"
Inexchange and Peppol
InExchange has been an approved access point for a long time and has full support for this transport model. InExchange monitors all updates regarding formats and regulations. The organization responsible for the platform is allowed to make changes to its formats twice a year. Changes that a system supplier may find difficult to implement in time.
Whatever format your ERP system can handle, InExchange will convert between it and the formats required by the network backend free of charge.
Send invoices to Peppol recipients
If you send your invoices via InExchange, you don't need to do anything special. The possibility to send to Peppol recipients is included in your service.
Receive invoices from Peppol senders
If you use an InExchange service to receive invoices, you can contact our support to register your company as a recipient in the Peppol register. There is no extra charge for registration. After that, you can receive from a Peppol sender in the format you usually receive your documents in when they come from InExchange. We'll convert from the original format to the one you want at no extra cost.
If you use InExchange for invoice processing, no special software is required to send or receive in this EU-related structure. We convert the material so that it is interpreted correctly by the recipient regardless of the format in which the sender sends it.
Conversions and Accounting Act
If your ERP system does not support Peppol BIS Billing 3.0, InExchange will of course help you convert between your existing format and the BIS Billing version.
The Accounting Act (BFL) states that "accounting information that the company has received from someone else must be preserved in the condition the material had when it came to the company", but under general advice the following is clarified:
"Received accounting information in electronic form that did not take physical form when it came to the company may be converted to the company's system and saved in the converted format provided that the data does not change or disappear in connection with the conversion."
When a conversion is performed, InExchange saves all information about what happens to your documents. An overview you can of course take part in. So you don't have to worry about breaking any laws by not being able to handle Peppol BIS Billing 3.0.
However, a recommendation is to note in a collection plan that a conversion takes place at InExchange so that system documentation and processing history comply with BFL. The Accounting Act states that the company must draw up descriptions of the organization and structure of the accounting system that are needed to provide an overview of the system (system documentation).