Joining forces to support the Music Aid theme

When Musikhjälpen calls, Inexchange is there!
In Skövde, a run in Lucia and Santa Claus clothes up the hill to Billingen has become a tradition for the company. And now that Inexchange has doubled in size, and is also available in Östersund, the same task has been created in Jämtland. There, a quartet of healthy forces ran up Östberget in the name of Musikhjälp.
On Monday, program hosts Linnea Wikblad, Assia Dahir and Emil Hansius stepped into the glass cage in Sundsvall to highlight this year's important theme: "Everyone has the right to survive their pregnancy". Not everyone has the luxury of access to the kind of care we have in Sweden, but through a shared commitment we can make a positive difference.
Supported since 2019
Inexchange supports the important cause of Musikhjälpen as usual. The company has an activity group in which Ulrika Bånnsgård, who is a sales coordinator at Inexchange, has become the organizer of the efforts made to raise funds for the themes that Musikhjälpen chooses from year to year.
"Since 2019, we have had an Inexchange box where employees have generously contributed. When Musikhjälpen is about to end, Inexchange matches the contents of the box and donates as much as the employees have collected,
explains Ulrika.Running for a good cause
To encourage people to donate to the Musikhjälpen box that Inexchange has registered, a lure has been set up which is only carried out if the collection reaches a certain amount. More specifically, a run up the infamous cliff in Skövde, called Strupen, which winds in a vertical direction right next to Billingen's slalom slope.
The actual distance is at most an ordinary 1.3 kilometers, but the drop is an impressive 132 meters. This gives an average gradient of 10 percent.
And yes, the set money level was finally reached, which meant that six volunteer candidates on Friday took on this challenge. It should be said that it was done in style despite the snowy rain.
In Östersund there were also four brave people who defied the cold weather. In their case, it was Östberget on Frösön that served as a grueling section to get up.
But it went well there too. A lively quartet waved happily to the mobile camera.
Wanting to make a difference
Those who ran, as well as all those who donated, are worthy of thanks. As in previous years, Musikhjälpen is focusing on an extremely serious topic. Every two minutes, a woman dies in the world related to pregnancy and childbirth. Musikhjälpen describes it as "a hidden disaster in the shadow of war and conflicts, climate disasters, poverty and discrimination that prevent pregnant women from getting access to the care they need."
If Inexchange can help make a difference, it's worth every penny - and every drop of sweat up the slopes in Skövde and Östersund.