
In Annika's heart, family, nature and colleagues come together

Written by Per Gustafsson | Sep 29, 2024 6:24:26 PM

In Annika Johansson's heart, the children get along with the dog Bosse, with Lake Hornborga and with the barbecue, flea markets, crochet hooks and the sun.
But Annika's heart also beats for her colleagues at InExchange. A relationship that is mutual. Her caring is an invaluable asset to the company.
Something she is a little embarrassed to hear, but she admits at the same time:
- I am passionate about making people feel good. That's my thing.

It is a summer tradition for us to listen more closely to one of our employees about how the vacation weeks will look like and what activities will dominate during the holidays. This year, we chose Annika Johansson, who joined InExchange in November 2017. As we mentioned, she is a person who always has a few kind words for everyone and is on hand if someone has a slump and needs support.
Annika has the ability to see such things in her surroundings.
This is a very important quality.

Will positively affect

When we give her the description, she is a little embarrassed at first, but she can't hide the fact that she recognizes herself:
- I guess that's also the reason why I ended up in the service profession and why I also chose to become the main safety representative at work. I want people to feel good in the workplace. If I can make a positive impact, however small, I want to do it.
She is also the person many callers meet initially at InExchange.
- I'm in customer service. I take some simple customer cases and administration. Above all, I guide our free customers on the web. That's what I do in a nutshell and I really enjoy it. It's a varied job, Annika says, but immediately realizes that there is something else she would like to emphasize even more:
- It's the colleagues who make you feel the best at work. At InExchange there is a great mix of wonderful people. That's a huge part of what makes you feel good.
She also appreciates the opportunity to individually organize work tasks when queues and priorities do not require a specific order. Freedom with responsibility, they say. It's really embraced at InExchange.  

Beautiful break

These days there is even more freedom than usual. Annika has gone on vacation. It's a nice break she thinks.
- Even though I'm very social at work, I have a great need for time for myself and to take care of myself. I burned out once. I don't want to end up there again. I've become very keen to recharge my batteries. That's what I do here in the country," Annika explains and gives examples of how it can be done:
- It can be a walk with the dog or standing and looking out over the lake and just enjoying it. I can honestly say that the lake has saved me many times when my mind was spinning about all sorts of things. It's amazing.
She takes a longer breath and elaborates further on her reflections:
- Nature in general is wonderful. You just have to step right out. If the sun is not shining, I always have nature. The sun is otherwise my biggest source of energy. That's why I sit on the balcony whenever the sun is shining. It doesn't matter if it's cold. If the sun is shining, just like that, I'm sitting there!

Annika with her children Ella and William.

Grill, crochet and flea markets

It's Lake Hornborga that Annika has such an adorable view of. You know the lake that is the cranes' resting place in Västergötland. It has most experiences except swimming opportunities. The nearest local bath she has is a beautiful little spring lake, called Bjärsjön, on the western side of Billingen.
But it rarely offers particularly pleasant temperatures.
- I, on the other hand, love to go abroad. This year it will be a trip to Rhodes. I like to swim when it's warm. So Rhodes will suit me!
Besides the trip to the Mediterranean, and a visit to the Swedish west coast, Annika will be mostly at home. And then there are some specific chores she likes to spend extra time on.

More specifically...
...grilling: "I love to stand at the grill. I start so early in the spring that my kids usually get tired of grilling by the time we're well into summer. But they have to put up with it. So even!"
...crochet: "I've finished a shawl and am about a third of the way through a poncho. Both garments are for myself."
...visit flea markets: "This summer I'm going to practice driving with my daughter and then we'll aim for many flea markets. Flea market tours are among the best things we know. Recycling in general is my thing. Like old furniture. I paint and redecorate when I have the energy and desire."

Boss has become Bosse

Beyond that, there's the challenge of convincing the family's four-year-old Rottweiler that his name is Bosse. It's a four-legged fellow that Annika became the mother of via relocation. He was originally named Boss, but that changed when he ended up under a new roof.
- There's only one Boss here at home, so we decided to name him Bosse. But he and I haven't quite agreed on the name yet. He listens halfway to Bosse. But we're working on it," Annika concludes with a laugh.
A heartfelt one. Of course.

Annika and her dog Bosse on a beautiful summer evening with Lake Hornborga in the background.

Grill plate... a' la Annika!

  • Marinated chicken fillet
  • Sliced potatoes, potato gratin or potato salad
  • Corn salad
  • Corn on the cob
  • Grilled tomato topped with mozzarella
    Annika's X-tips (borrowed from former colleague Marie Lindholm):
    Make your own potato salad, ingredients: pesto, yogurt, red onion, dried tomatoes and potatoes.