2021 Hantverksdata

Hantverksdata miljöpris 2021 Hantverksdata miljöpris 2021

Hantverksdata has a comprehensive environmental policy that is continuously being expanded. The policy is testament to the commitment of the company in this field.
Winning the environmental award further proves this point.
Hantverksdata wins the 2021 InExchange environmental award.

The environmental award from the fintech company InExchange in Skövde is an annual award to highlight good environmental initiatives for a more sustainable society. The prize was first awarded in 2014. The winner for 2021 has now been announced and received a certificate and flowers.
This year’s ceremony was held at Vendevägen in Danderyd, where Hantverksdata’s office is located. The prize was accepted by CEO Fredrik Silfwerplatz and marketing manager Caroline Gentzel, and was awarded by Leo Agetoft, who is responsible for the partner side within the sales department at InExchange.
“It feels amazing to receive this recognition for our environmental work. The environmental perspective is extremely important. It’s not only an external requirement, but also an internal one. We want to be at the forefront. Protecting the environment is something that characterizes a modern and fresh company. We would like to be involved and contribute,” says Fredrik.

Long-term partnership

Hantverksdata develops and sells administrative software for the craft industry. Its business management system includes the ability to send electronic invoices via InExchange. The company has successfully got its customers on board with the solution. Last year, Hantverksdata’s customers sent more than half a million e-invoices via InExchange.
Imagine what a mountain of paper this could have been!
Not only does this save trees, but also unnecessary transport.

The partnership between Hantverksdata and InExchange dates back to 2010. Thanks to its methodology and perseverance, Hantverksdata has demonstrated the benefits of sending electronic invoices and gradually got its customers to adopt an invoicing method with many positives. The environmental benefit is one of these.
“We and Hantverksdata share the same values. During all the years we’ve worked together, the environment has always been an important element. This consensus unites us and has been pivotal in our long-term partnership. Hantverksdata’s determination in relation to the environment makes the company a well-deserved recipient of our award,” says Anders Jonsson, CEO of InExchange.

Why Hantverksdata wins this award

Here’s why Hantverksdata has won the 2021 environmental award:
“Hantverksdata has the acumen to pursue a comprehensive environmental policy. This work includes the goal of reducing paper consumption. For more than a decade, Hantverksdata has encouraged customer after customer to send e-invoices, which has resulted in a growing digital volume and important benefits for the environment. The 2021 InExchange environmental award goes to Hantverksdata as proof that a sustainable partnership also promotes a sustainable society.”

Previous winners of the InExchange environmental award:

2014 (two award ceremonies): Maskinfirma Glaj, Skövde, and Swedol, Stockholm, 2015: Svevia, Solna, 2016: Unident, Falkenberg, 2017: Stena Recycling, Gothenburg, 2018: Varberg municipality, 2019: Språkservice, Malmö, 2020: Newsec, Stockholm.

Caption: Hantverksdata was represented at the award ceremony by Fredrik Silfwerplatz (centre) and Caroline Gentzel, and InExchange was represented by Leo Agetoft.

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